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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

timun susu

projek tanaman timun susu secara fertigasi di batu 20 jln sungai lui 43100 hulu langat

setakat ini dgn 1500 pokok timun susu kami hanya berjaya mengambil hasil 4tan sahaja.ternyata timun susu ni buah dia kurang berbanding timun hijau ,kerana timun hijau dengan jumlah yg sama kami di tanahkita pernah mendapat hasil sebanyak 5.5tan /1000pkk.

pkk timun yg sedang membesar

jaring sayur di gunakan supaya mudah pkk timun menjalar

timun susu lebih mahal dari timun hijau

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Plants, like us are vulnerable to disease. All living things are made up of a collection of cells. Plant and animal cell structure is similar in make up, having a cell wall containing the cell’s internal components, such as the nucleus and the protoplast: the 'hollow' part of the cell where the cell conducts activities. There are many different types of plant cell, but all cells, be they plant or animal, share some basic characteristics. Because they are cellular structures, plants are subject to disruption of their cells by invading organisms. Thus at the microbial level the plant may be invaded by pathogens. These are organisms which do harm or cause the death of the plant by extracting its nutrients, damaging the cell structure, or producing toxic by-products. These pathogens can come in the form of either viruses or bacteria. Both of these types of infection will do major harm to your carefully nurtured plant.

Bacteria attack the plant cells in the same way that they attack our own cells. Think back to the last time you had a cold or flu, remember how unwell you felt and how your energy was depleted. The plant also has to use a lot of energy in order to stop infection from spreading. One way in which it can fight back is by sealing off the diseased area and so blocking the pathways available to the intruding pathogen.

It has been found that plants also use Salicylic Acid (the active ingredient in aspirin) as a trigger to mobilize their defences against attack.

Unfortunately, as there are no antibiotics that can be used on plants, the pathogenic bacteria are very difficult, if not impossible, to kill. They normally enter the plant via the site of some type of injury. For this reason, if no other, it is very important to check your plants daily for signs of damage from insects and other predation, as well as physical cuts and scratches.

Virus attack is usually caused in a similar manner, but these organisms are very much smaller than bacteria and can enter via the tiniest mark. Once inside the plant they live within the cells and are unable to be killed without destroying the plant.

Plants are also susceptible to fungal infections. Fungi, unlike the microbial pathogens, attack using spores. These can lie dormant for long periods of time and then be triggered to come to life. They are mainly an essential and welcome addition to the garden because they break down dead and decaying material and improve the humus content of the soil. Some, however, are bad news for the grower and cause disease within the growing area.

Fungi in general tend to attach to the outside of the plant and use root like structures to penetrate the plant and steal its nutrients. For this reason they are vulnerable to chemical attack and destruction. There are various preparations available for eradicating fungal attack.

The best form of defence against plant disease is vigilance and meticulous hygiene. Here are a few ways in which you can help to prevent attack within your grow room or greenhouse.

Always wash your hands in hot soapy water before entering the growing area.

Always destroy diseased plants and all their dead leaves and debris.

Always use new, or well washed and sterilized, pots when planting new plants and cuttings.

Allow as much free air between your plants as possible. This cuts down on the transmission of fungal infections.

Ban all smokers from your growing area. Tobacco is one of the biggest causes of the spread of Tobacco Mosaic Virus which attacks various plants. It is carried on the skin of people who use tobacco products.

Five Hormones Determine Your Plants Success or Failure.

Five plant hormones have been identified as being responsible for the development of the plant throughout its life. Each of them has complicated functions. The relationship between their activities changes with the plants stage of development. Put simply, they are:

a) Auxins which develop in leaf buds and leaves.
b) Gibberellins which develop in shoot buds and seeds.
c) Cytokinins which develop in root tips.
d) Abscisic Acid which develops in mature leaves.
e) Ethylene which develops as a gas in any plant cell.


These hormones are responsible for stimulating elongation in the plant cells. They tend to concentrate in the root and shoot tips and also on the underside of horizontal branches and stems. They cause the branch or stem to curve upwards to the vertical position.

The Gibberellins affect the rate of cell growth of the plant between the nodes. They are also responsible for slowing the growth in high light situations. They are involved in flowering, breaking the dormant cycle of the plant and in seed growth signalling.

The division of the plants cells is controlled by Cytokinins. They stimulate the starting of leaf and shoot growth. In concentration they stop rooting, so care is needed around clones and seedlings.

Abscisic Acid
This hormone is part of the plants ageing process. It controls seed development as well as closing the stomata during periods of water stress.

Ethylene (C2H2)
This gas is produced within most of the plants cells as it ages and in concentration causes the fruits to ripen, flowers and leaves to age and leaves and fruits to fall.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

masa kutip timun sudah tiba

Teknik fertigasi sekali lagi telah berjaya di gunakan tetapi dengan pemantauan sepenuhnya .dengan teknik ini pokok 2 timun diladang batu 20 hulu langat telah dapat di petik sebanyak 300kg bagi kapasiti pokok sebanyak 1500pkk .Bila cerita macam nie je ramai yg berminat dgn teknik fertigasi dengan sangkaan jika guna teknik fertigasi kita boleh tanam dan tinggal .bagi saya tiada benda yg boleh di tinggal tanpa pemantauan . tanaman juga perlu di belai mcm manusia juga baru le akan menghasilkan pengeluaran yg lumaian.kenapa ramai yg berpendapat teknik fertigasi adalah teknik tanaman yg mudah.adakah kerana x payah angkut air ke setiap pokok.mmg le fertigasi tu sistem pengairan dan pembajaan dilakukan serentak ,tetapi kita kena ingat sistem pengairan juga perlu di periksa selalu ,jika tidak air dan baja tidak akan sampai ke pokok.bab nie le yg org ramai buat x kisah .dia ingat boleh tanam dan tinggal .jangan pulak bila dah guna teknik fertigasi ,kita dah x payah buat pengawalan serangga.pengawalan serangga juga amat penting .sekali lagi kita kena ingat fertigas nie cuma pengairan dan pembajaan saja yg di buat secara optimum. racun kena juga .x kisah ke guna racun kimia ataupun secara organik.apa 2 pun fertigasi nie adalah teknik penanaman secara moden yg dapat memudahkan, menjimat wang ,tenaga kerja dan masa